28 April 2024, St. Paul of the Cross; St. Vitalis, Martyr
Monday, 29 April, Sts. Cajus & Soter, Martyred Popes
/Mass Intention: Nicholas Castro (rx/P. Larrabee) ................................................. 9:00am
--Confessions ............................................................................................... 6:00-6:20pm
--Holy Mass (Intention: Kathryn Ostrosky---rx/C. Ostrosky) .................................. 6:30pm
--Holy Hour of Reparation to the Sacred Heart ........................................ Following Mass
First Saturday, 04 May, St. Monica, Widow
--Confessions .............................................................................................. 8:00-8:25 am
--Rosary & Devotions ........................................................................................... 8:30 am
--Holy Mass: (Intention: Poor Souls---rx/Ivan Family) .......................................... 9:00 am
--Perpetual Help Devotions ...................................................................... Following Mass
Monday thru Saturday ............................ 20 minutes before Mass; following Saturday Novena
Sunday ................................................. 07:30-07:50am; 09:20-09:50am; following each Mass
NOVENA TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP ------- will take place Saturday morning after 9:00 am Mass. Whether your petitions be spiritual or temporal, Our Lady never fails to answer them through the means of this powerful Novena!
APPOINTMENTS: for Baptisms, Marriages, Sick Calls, etc., can be made by seeing one of the priests after Mass. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY please call: Fr. Zapp (925) 586-7924 or Fr. Larabee (513) 390-3070.
SANCTUARY LAMP is currently burning FOR THE INTENTIONS OF: +JOSEPH EBEYER (rx/Ebeyer Family). If you would like to sponsor the Sanctuary Candle for one week ($15) or two weeks ($25), "In Memory of n.n._______," or "For the Intentions of _____," etc., please fill out the envelope in vestibule and place in collection or candle box.
PURGATORIAN SOCIETY: ... there is a monthly REQUIEM MASS (High Mass, if possible) offered in Martinez, for the repose of the souls of all who have been enrolled in the PURGATORIAN SOCIETY. (Members are also remembered at every Daily Mass). Enroll your loved ones (Catholics only), living or deceased, for a one-time stipend of $35 per person. For an additional $7, a Memorial Presentation Folder can be sent on your behalf.
CHURCH CLEANING: (04 May) D. Mark & Ryan Christie
FULFILLING YOUR EASTER DUTY---The 3rd & 4th precepts of the Church gravely oblige (that is, under pain of mortal sin) her members to CONFESS their sins at least once a year, and to RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION during Easter time (Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday inclusive).
CHILDREN'S CATECHISM: ...this Saturday at 10 am.
IN YOUR CHARITY -- please pray for all the sick of parishes, especially: Sergio Polanco, Omar Reyes, Paulus Kam, Jean Villanueva, Marin Ivan, Thao Nguyen, Kelly Nowrouz and Ramona Prado.
...Bishop Sanborn has agreed to come out West to confer CONFIRMATIONS.
DATE: Saturday, 15 June, at 11am.
CANDIDATES are First Communicants on up. Either never been Confirmed, or was Confirmed in the Novus Ordo, aka "New Church" (1970 and after). PLEASE (1) SIGN UP ON SHEET IN VESTIBULE (2) FILL OUT REGISTRATION FORM FOUND IN VESTIBULE AND RETURN ASAP (IN CANDLE BOX). ALSO, (3) PICK UP THE "CONFIRMATION STUDY SHEET" (also in vestibule) AND LEARN THE BASICS OF OUR FAITH!
The study sheet & general information sheet are also available in PDF, downloadable HERE.
MAY CROWNING OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY---occurs every Sunday during the month of May before the 10am Mass. Parishioners are invited to bring bouquets of flowers to beautify Our Lady's altar. PRACTICE TODAY for the young ladies of the parish after the 10am Mass.