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Writer's picture: adveniatregnumtuumadveniatregnumtuum

Updated: May 5, 2024


Monday, 25 March, Monday in Holy Week

/Intention: Poor Souls (rx/Ivan Family) .................................................................. 9:00am

Tuesday, 26 March, Tuesday in Holy Week

/Intention: Paulus Kam (rx/Ebeyer Family) ............................................................ 9:00am

Wednesday, 27 March, Wednesday in Holy Week; St. John Damascene

/Intention: Fr. Zapp (rx/Ebeyer Family) .................................................................. 9:00am

OFFICE OF TENEBRAE (Matins & Lauds of Holy Thursday) .............................. 7:00pm


High Mass (All-Night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) ................................. 7:00pm

(Sign-up sheet in the vestibule.................................................all hours must be covered)

*GOOD FRIDAY, 29 March

Adoration of the Cross, Mass of the Pre-Sanctified, Sermon & Stations of the Cross

(Communion is NOT RECEIVED this day) ........................................... 12 noon - 3:00pm


Easter Vigil Ceremonies & High Mass .................................................................. 9:00am

LENTEN FAST ENDS ON HOLY SATURDAY .................................................. 12 NOON


Low Mass ............................................................................................................. 8:00am

High Mass .......................................................................................................... 10:00am


Monday thru Saturday ............................ 20 minutes before Mass; following Saturday Novena

Sunday ................................................. 07:30-07:50am; 09:20-09:50am; following each Mass


The ceremonies today have rich history. They began in the 300's in Jerusalem, where the bishop would bless the palms and then rode a donkey in procession to the Church of the Resurrection. The church in Rome began the practice of blessing and procession

in the 800's ... beginning in St. Mary Majors and processing to St. John Lateran. In this blessing the Church prays for the health of mind and body for those who dwell in houses where the blessed palms are kept. The Church adds that the branches of palms signify Jesus' triumphs over the prince of death. The procession of Christians, who with palm in their hand and songs of Hosanna on their lips, proclaim Christ's kingship every year, throughout the whole world and in all generations.

On the way back the procession halts just outside the church door finding it shut. This symbolizes the gates of Heaven being closed due to original sin. After singing the hymn "Gloria Laus" for a few verses (in honor of Christ the King), the door struck three times by the foot of the processional cross --- symbolic of Christ conquering sin and Satan by dying on the cross. The doors open and the faithful follow the priest in the church.

We should keep a blessed palm carefully in our home. Fixed to a crucifix, it reminds us of Christ's victory on the Cross.


The name "Tenebrae" had been given to Matins & Lauds of the last 3 days of Holy Week, because this office was formerly to be celebrated after midnight. ("Tenebrae" means darkness). There is placed in the sanctuary near the altar a large triangular candlestick or "hearse" holding 15 unbleached candles (like those used for a Requiem Mass). At the end of each psalm, one of the candles is extinguished. This successive putting out of the candles refers to the flight of the Apostles at the beginning or Our Lord's Passion. Finally, only one candle is left alight which represents Jesus Christ forsaken and left alone. The church is darkened and the lighted candle is carried away representing the Death & Burial. Noise is made to express the convulsions of nature when the earth quaked. The candle is then brought from behind the altar, still alight, symbolic of Christ being the "Light of the world" after His glorious Resurrection.

Some thoughts on Holy Week (from the Liturgical Year)....

"This week was held in great veneration even as early as the 3rd Century... the severity of the Lenten Fast is increased... some would go the entire week without tasting any food. Long hours were spent in the Churches, especially from Holy Thursday to Easter Morning. Cessation from servile work was, for a long time, an obligation during Holy Week... the thought of the sufferings and of the death of Jesus was the one pervading thought: the Divine Offices and Prayer were the sole occupation of the people...."

NOVENA TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP ------- will be cancelled this week due to Holy Week.

APPOINTMENTS: for Baptisms, Marriages, Sick Calls, etc., can be made by seeing one of the priests after Mass. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY please call: Fr. Zapp (925) 586-7924 or Fr. Larabee (513) 390-3070.


If you would like to sponsor the Sanctuary Candle for one week ($15) or two weeks ($25), "In Memory of n.n._______," or "For the Intentions of _____," etc., please fill out the envelope in vestibule and place in collection or candle box.

CHURCH CLEANING: (30 March) Curameng Family

IN YOUR CHARITY -- please pray for all the sick of parishes, especially:  Sergio Polanco, Omar Reyes, Paulus Kam, Jean Villanueva, Marin Ivan, Thao Nguyen, Kelly Nowrouz and Ramona Prado.

PURGATORIAN SOCIETY: ... there is a monthly REQUIEM MASS (High Mass, if possible) offered in Martinez, for the repose of the souls of all who have been enrolled in the PURGATORIAN SOCIETY. (Members are also remembered at every Daily Mass). Enroll your loved ones (Catholics only), living or deceased, for a one-time stipend of $35 per person. For an additional $7, a Memorial Presentation Folder can be sent on your behalf.

CHILDREN'S CATECHISM: ...will be cancelled this week due to Holy Week.

CONFIRMATIONS THIS SPRING: ...Bishop Sanborn has agreed to come out West to confer CONFIRMATIONS. DATE: Saturday, 15 June, at 11am. PLACE: St. John Bosco Church, Modesto. CANDIDATES are First Communicants on up, either never Confirmed or was Confirmed in the Novus Ordo (aka "New Church"). Please sign up on the sheet provided in the vestibule. MORE INFO WILL BE GIVEN IN COMING WEEKS.

FULFILLING YOUR EASTER DUTY---the 3rd & 4th precepts of the Church gravely oblige (that is, under pain of mortal sin) her members to CONFESS their sins at least once a year, and to receive HOLY COMMUNION during Easter time (from Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday, inclusive).




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