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Writer's picture: adveniatregnumtuumadveniatregnumtuum

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

27 August 2023 - Feast of St. Pius X, Pope


Monday, 28 August, St. Augustine, Bishop/Doctor

/Intention: +Lori Mikesell (rx/J. Larrabee) .............................................................. 9:00am

Tuesday, 29 August, Beheading of St. John Baptist

/Intention: Kathryn Ostrosky (rx/Carol) ................................................................. 8:00am

Wednesday, 30 August, St. Rose of Lima, Virgin

/Intention: Leonora Ivan (rx/Ivan Family) ............................................................... 8:00am

Thursday, 31 August, St. Raymund Nonnatus

/Intention: Marcelo & Marisabel Ruiz (rx/Polanco's) ............................................. 8:00am

First Friday, 01 September, St. Giles, Abbot; 12 Holy Brothers, Martyrs

Confessions ........................................................................................... 5:50pm - 6:20pm

Holy Mass /Intention: Jean Villanueva (rx/Parish) ................................................. 6:30pm

Holy Hour of Reparation to the Sacred Heart .......................................... Following Mass

First Saturday, 02 September, St. Stephen, King of Hungary

Confessions ........................................................................................... 8:00am - 8:25am

Rosary & Devotions .............................................................................................. 8:30am

Holy Mass /Intention: Robert Kirby (rx/V. Cortese) ............................................... 9:00am

Perpetual Help Devotions ........................................................................ Following Mass


Monday thru Saturday ............................ 20 minutes before Mass; following Saturday Novena

Sunday ................................................. 07:30-07:50am; 09:20-09:50am; following each Mass

NOVENA TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP ------- will take place Saturday morning, after 9:00am Mass. Whether your petitions be spiritual or temporal, Our Lady never fails to answer them through the means of this powerful Novena!

APPOINTMENTS: for Baptisms, Marriages, Sick Calls, etc., can be made by seeing one of the priests after Mass. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY please call: Fr. Zapp (925) 586-7924 or Fr. Larabee (513) 390-3070.

SANCTUARY LAMP is currently burning IN MEMORY OF: +Thad Zapp.

If you would like to sponsor the Sanctuary Candle for one week ($15) or two weeks ($25), "In Memory of n.n._______," or "For the Intentions of _____," etc., please fill out the envelope in vestibule and place in collection or candle box.

CHURCH CLEANING: (02 SEPT) RJ. Mahoney & Z. Oczkos

IN YOUR CHARITY -- please pray for all the sick of parishes, especially: Marin Ivan, Thao Nguyen and Ramona Prado.

SEPTEMBER is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


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