15 October 2023 - St. Teresa of Avila, Virgin
Monday, 16 October, St. Hedwig, Widow
Recitation of the Rosary, Litany of BVM & Prayer to St. Joseph ........................... 8:40am
/Intention: Poor Souls in Purgatory (rx/Soledad) .................................................. 9:00am
Tuesday, 17 October, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin
Recitation of the Rosary, Litany of BVM & Prayer to St. Joseph ........................... 7:40am
/Intention: Michael Nguyen (rx/E. Ebeyer) ............................................................ 8:00am
Wednesday, 18 October, St Luke the Evangelist
Recitation of the Rosary, Litany of BVM & Prayer to St. Joseph ........................... 7:40am
/Intention: Brandan Ebeyer (rx/E. Ebeyer) ............................................................ 8:00am
Thursday, 19 October, St. Peter of Alcantara
Recitation of the Rosary, Litany of BVM & Prayer to St. Joseph ........................... 7:40am
/Intention: Poor Souls (rx/M. Cash) ............................................................... 8:00am
Friday, 20 October, St. John Cantius
Recitation of the Rosary, Litany of BVM & Prayer to St. Joseph ........................... 7:40am
/Intention: Louie Tirona (rx/Tirona Family) .................................................... 8:00am
Saturday, 21 October, OUR LADY'S SATURDAY
Recitation of the Rosary, Litany of BVM & Prayer to St. Joseph ........................... 8:40am
/Intention: Merle & Lilly Fridley (rx/S. Alves) .................................................. 9:00am
Perpetual Help Devotions ........................................................................ Following Mass
Monday thru Saturday ............................ 20 minutes before Mass; following Saturday Novena
Sunday ................................................. 07:30-07:50am; 09:20-09:50am; following each Mass
NOVENA TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP ------- will take place Saturday morning, after 9:00am Mass. Whether your petitions be spiritual or temporal, Our Lady never fails to answer them through the means of this powerful Novena!
APPOINTMENTS: for Baptisms, Marriages, Sick Calls, etc., can be made by seeing one of the priests after Mass. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY please call: Fr. Zapp (925) 586-7924 or Fr. Larabee (513) 390-3070.
SANCTUARY LAMP is currently burning IN MEMORY OF: Patricia Savitsky (rx/J. Larrabee).
If you would like to sponsor the Sanctuary Candle for one week ($15) or two weeks ($25), "In Memory of n.n._______," or "For the Intentions of _____," etc., please fill out the envelope in vestibule and place in collection or candle box.
CHURCH CLEANING: (14 OCT) Reyes Family
IN YOUR CHARITY -- please pray for all the sick of parishes, especially: Jean Villanueva, Marin Ivan, Thao Nguyen and Ramona Prado.
CHILDREN'S CATECHISM: is scheduled for 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month. Children of the parish, grades 1 thru 12, who are NOT attending a TRADITIONAL HOME SCHOOL PROGRAM, must attend this twice-monthly class. Instruction begins at 10am, for two hours. Next class will take place on October 21st.
CHURCH CLEANING VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED ................ Our army of church cleaning volunteers is getting a little light and we are in need of some fresh recruits. If you can help [about 1-2 hours every 2 months] please sign up on the sheet provided in the vestibule.
RECITATION OF THE ROSARY ............................... During the month of October the Rosary will be prayed 20 minutes before the Daily Mass (before the Blessed Sacrament exposed), followed by the Litany of BVM and Prayer to St. Joseph. (Plenary indulgence is gained!)
SECOND COLLECTION: The Sunday 2nd collection is for Seminary Support. Thank you for your continued generosity!
OCTOBER is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.